Graduating Soon

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It was around May 2014 I enrolled Vaylene, schooling in Playgroup. She was only 17 months then when she started in Pre Nursery 1. We didn't join and attend the first graduation because I personally felt that she was still too small to perform, besides I think she would probably ended up with crying during the whole show rather than having fun.

This coming May 2015, Vaylene will finish her Pre nursery 2 and the gradution is on 30th May. Each class will perform on the ceremony. I am clueless on what will she perform, but what I am sure is that this one year schooling has turned her into a very cheerful, fearless and confident little girl. Really looking forward to her performance.

On preparing her graduation, the school required the children to attend the ceremony with a lace dress and cowboy boots. For her dress, all the class mommiies agreed to custom make the dress with one design. That part I can leave it to the professional to handle it. The only thing I need to do is to find her footwear. After long search and limited selection, I came across with this australian brand, Coogee. Cute and comfortable shoes for kids. I bought baby musician Sandy for Vaylene. The little boots in red is cute too.

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