
1:29 AM LF.w 3 Comments

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I have been tagged by Wiwin and was supposedly write it during last weekend as I had promised her. But most of mine things don't always turn out to be on time. So here it is.

8 random facts about myself:

1. My mood swings very fast.
2. Once I see a cockroach I just couldn't think of anything else other than 'KILL IT'.
3. Always think waaaaaaay to much.
4. Word does hurt me, really deep.
5. Very obsessed with my finances status.
6. Sometimes for no reason, I will get upset and depressed.
7. When I have planned out something properly, I don't like it to get interrupted by other stuffs. It would really pissed me off.
8. I think I will get crazy one day. Hahahaha.


dogbone said...

Lilo FFK! :( You didn't call us back leh!

LF.w said...

I sms you. But no reply. Even though it is late. I was working the whole week. Day has become my night and night has become the other way around.. Will definitely wanna yam char with all of you guy if I could.

dogbone said...

Psst, how bout the 17th? Three weeks notice this time! :P