A birthday that has passed

1:11 PM LF.w 2 Comments

8 things I've achieved in this 24 years.

1. Has been in this industry for 2 years plus. Not bad huh.

2. Feel proud that finally i have worked for a company and stayed put for at least a year duration.

3. This year, i have kept in touch with my primary aka childhood friends which i believe i couldn't have done it before due to serious commitment toward my job. The feeling was so fabulous to meet them after 7 some 12 years never met them. We all were so different in so many way but yet we still have the bond.

4. Accept the facts that nothing in this world is more important than family and friends.

5. See things in a lot of different perspectives.

6. Less Sleep, this could be the bad accomplishment that I've achieved. But hey this is one of the few things i have done during this 24 years i lived. So without shame to tell everyone, I got serious issue with my eyes.

7. Responsibilities. This is going to take me long to explain it in detail. So lets just put it in a word.

8. And I learned that there is many things to do in life. So don't screwed up all of the big plan if there is only a part of it doesn't work out. =)

And my wish is to be enjoy every single moments while I still have opportunity to run using my 2 legs and still be able to breathe through my nose, in short that as long as I'm healthy.


ZOULE said...

damn girl . almost 2 years dy ? that was fast . last time i remembered, u were doing intern with yoonsee and moonchong . haha . time flies huh ? congrats on ur achievements . u're gonna be 'someone' soon . hehe

LF.w said...

Thanks. But i don't think I'm gonna be someone that soon yet. Hahaha.

Yeah the memories i've interned with u guys were still very fresh in my mind. Miss those moments though. =)